Put a Phaser on Your Profile Picture

Phaser firing a blue beam

Nothing against Star Wars in general or The Force Awakens in particular, but I’ve always been a Star Trek guy. So I haven’t felt compelled to superimpose a lightsaber on my Facebook photo, like one might do with a flag of some sort.

I’d rather put a phaser on it. Read more of this post

Pride and Prejudice vs. Star Trek Original Cast Movies: Epic Six-Part VHS Battle!

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that space is the final frontier.” – Captain Elizabeth Bennett, U.S.S. Longbourn

Rummaging through my basement and garage recently, I uncovered two relics of the 1990s. One predicts the 23rd century while the other documents the turn of the 18th and 19th.

Pride and Prejudice vs. Star Trek

Illustration by the 20th century.

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My God, the Fault is in Our Sky Full of Stars

This came to me in a dream.

My God, the Fault is in Our Sky Full of StarsIn my head it’s the touching story of a guy who’s so heartbroken when his cancer-stricken lover leaves him that he evolves into a giant space baby.


6 Questions for Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fans from a First-Time Viewer

Recently, I finally watched all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in what’s become my customary Netflix binge style. I’d heard about its brilliance, but even after I thoroughly enjoyed his later show Firefly, Joss Whedon’s first television series struck me as plain silly in the few bits I’d caught.

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Matt & the Moff: Doctor Who in Their Hands

The Wedding of River Song

Oh, you better believe there are spoilers.

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