Flash(back) Fiction: In which I predict apps in the year 2001

About 12 years ago, I was making out with a girl and thinking how great it was that we didn’t have to worry about file formats or operating systems or port protocols. Boys and girls were compatible, and required no conversion software to communicate. Well, “communicate.”

Even then, I was a geek.

I kept thinking about the concept of people running software and it became this story. I always meant to revise it – eliminate the hardware, maybe back off the PG-13 a little –  but I lost track of the floppy disk until this weekend. It doesn’t seem nearly so futurist and prescient now, which makes me really wish I’d gotten it fixed up and published back then. I also wish I’d come up with a better title than the file name, “Warez,” suggests.

The full story, unedited, uncorrected, completely unchanged, is after the break.

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Because no one is just one thing

Yes, I’ve changed the design of the site again. It’s more bloggy than ever, but don’t worry – you can still hear my music any time you want, and I’ll still be posting more of it.

But I wanted this site to reflect more of myself. I don’t play music all the time; it’s not my career and I’m not sure I’d want it to be. You’ll start to see more writing, photography, and other creative stuff, either right here on the site or links to published work. Some of it will be more hobby-grade, while some will be professional.

I’m also gonna start tagging things. No more of this “Uncategorized” nonsense.

Rosebush in snow

It snowed here today. So I decided to take a picture of, apparently, the inside of my brain.
